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Criminal Defense Lawyer

Federal Crimes

Federal Crimes Charges in Atlanta


Every Minute You Wait is a Head Start for the Prosecution

There are two main types of laws: state and federal laws. Many state crimes are extremely serious and can have significant and lasting negative consequences on your life. Unfortunately, being accused of a federal crime is typically much more serious. This is, in part, because of the types of crimes that fall under federal jurisdiction, including:
  • Arson
  • Child pornography
  • Counterfeiting
  • Fraud, such as securities fraud, bank fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, and more
  • Identity theft
  • Immigration crimes
  • Kidnapping
  • Tax evasion
  • Terrorism
However, there is another reason to take federal crimes charges extremely seriously. That is the fact that these charges are investigated by the United States Attorney General’s office. This office generally has more resources at their disposal that state prosecutors do. As a result, their attorneys are likely to be extremely experienced. Just another reason to contact our office as soon as you have been charged with a federal crime in and around Atlanta -- every minute you wait is a head start for the prosecution. You don’t get those minutes back.

An Attorney who has Experience Defending Against Federal Charges

Federal crimes charges can take longer to resolve than state-level charges. That means that you want an attorney representing you that makes you feel heard. You want someone that you can feel comfortable telling your side of the story to. You want someone who won’t interrupt you, who will take everything you say seriously, and who will treat you with respect and empathy.
You may notice after being charged that people look at you differently.That they make assumptions about the type of person that you are. It can be frustrating and even hurtful to be judged by people who weren’t there, don’t know the whole story, and aren’t interested in learning the whole story. We do want to learn the whole story and will have your back every step of the way.
Working with an attorney who has experience defending against federal charges is important in part because you want someone who is familiar with the inner workings of federal courts. In addition, an experienced federal crimes defense attorney understands that they are ïn it for the long haul. Tenacity and determination can be just as meaningful to the outcome of your case as knowledge of the law.
When you call our offices to discuss your federal crimes charges, your initial consultation is free. During that consultation, we work to develop as thorough and complete an understanding as possible. From there, we are able to assess the amount of work your case is likely to entail. We can then determine the flat fee that is most appropriate for your case. We believe you have enough to deal with, you don’t need the added stress of a bill you were not expecting.
If you are facing federal crimes charges in Atlanta, please call our office to schedule your initial consultation today.