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Criminal Defense Lawyer


Driving Under the Influence in Atlanta


Take a DUI Accusation Very Seriously

Few people accused of DUI are what people think of as “common criminals.” Most people facing DUI charges never intended to break the law. In fact, oftentimes, a DUI arrest is the first time the individual has been charged with any crime. This lack of familiarity with the criminal justice system can make DUI proceedings extremely stressful, even if you do not take into account consequences that can include:
  • Fines
  • Community service
  • Mandatory jail time
  • Suspension of your driver’s license
There can also be additional collateral consequences for a DUI conviction, such as losing your car insurance or having your insurance expenses increase significantly. If you are a student, you may lose your eligibility for financial aid. If you are a commercial license holder, you may lose your job. The blood alcohol content (BAC) required for a DUI charge also varies by circumstance:
  • All drivers with a BAC of .08 or higher
  • Under 21 with a BAC of .02 or higher
  • Commercial Vehicle Driver with a BAC of .04 or higher
Sometimes people don’t seek an attorney to represent them because they don’t think their charges are a “big deal.” Especially if it is your first time facing criminal charges, you are probably nervous and don’t need someone to tell you that you need to take a DUI accusation very seriously. However, sometimes when people are scared they are paralyzed into inaction. Don’t let your fear prevent you from seeking the advice of an experienced DUI defense attorney. Contact our office as soon as you have been charged.

Able to Handle both the Criminal and Administrative Aspects of your DUI Case

In addition to the criminal charges, individuals who have been accused of driving while intoxicated (DWI) must attend an Administrative License Suspension (ALS) hearing. These must be requested within ten days of the arrest or your license will be automatically suspended. We are experienced and able to handle both the criminal and administrative aspects of your DUI case.
There are attorneys who devote their entire practice to DUI defense. However, many of those lawyers have an extremely high caseload. As a result, they are unable to devote their time to developing a relationship with their clients. Additionally, they may have a formulaic approach to defense. We do not take all DUI cases. This means we are able to focus on the specific client and craft a comprehensive defense strategy that is individualized to you.
For example, do you need your DUI case resolved quickly? That may seem like a silly question, but there are situations and clients who prefer a more measured and slower-paced approach to their defense. Our goal is to listen closely to everything you have to say and ask as many questions as are necessary to develop a comprehensive understanding of your situation.
After the free initial consultation, we will determine the flat fee that is appropriate for your situation. You will not have to wonder or worry about unexpectedly high bills over the course of your defense. If you have been accused of DUI in Atlanta or the surrounding area, the clock is ticking. Contact us as soon as possible for your consultation.